About Foxfire and Afira

22 11 2012

Foxfire if the alter-ego of Ryan, my co-creator in the Handbook to Role-Playing. Foxfire was the original character used in RhyDin during the days of AOL online RPG chatrooms. His initial affiar with the RPG world left him changed forever – hooked and wanting more.

Initially the idea of creating a website dedicated to RPGs was started by his capable hands. Since jumping off the AOL webpage it started on, the Handbook has been a labor of love for both of us. He has since moved onward and left it to my inept hands.


Afira is my standard call sign in every game I play; it was first used during my days in the text-based RPG Dragonrealms. Although I tend to use the name as my personal moniker, I like to vary the other names I choose for character creation.

I have taken this site from the previous incarnations into the current set up, and will continue to offer it as an advice guide to role-playing on the web.